
Uphold is a company that operates in the financial services industry. It is headquartered in Larkspur in the state of California and is privately held. This company was founded in 2013 and has between 51 and 100 employees. Services it provides include cryptocurrency, fully reserved, global banking, digital money, compliant, transparent, digital wallet, and financial services. Uphold functions with the aim of providing essential financial assistance to those in need, and presents resources in the form of digital money to many entities in business.

Uphold claims that it follows an easy, fair and affordable system of lending, as well as to be highly transparent in its services. It also claims to be fully reserved – in contrast to banks – and says it seeks to remove complexity and risk involved in modern payment systems, such as those pertaining cryptocurrency. U Uphold says that several businesses are deterred by the hard-to-use products and new hurdles to entry, and that it steps in and supports customers by protecting them from cryptocurrency volatility. This it accomplishes by allowing customers to transfer their accounts to Fiat currencies in a secure, and affordable manner, which right now is widely considered a financially shrewd move for almost any business.

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