Secured Investment Lending
Secured Investment Lending
Secured Investment Lending is a company that operates in the financial services industry. It is a publicly owned establishment with headquarters in Altamonte Springs in the state of Florida and was founded in the year 2009. It has between 11 and 50 employees currently working for it. The major services provided by this company include fix and flip, hard money lending, real estate loans, and rental and commercial loans. It was established by Nathan H. Trombetti and Ernest C. Aulls III.
Secured Investment Lending has provided a platform for entrepreneurs who look to acquire capital for the purpose of buying and restoring old properties. It has a ranking of 299 out of 350 companies listed under the category of Non-bank Finance on Trustpilot, and a TrustScore of 7.4 out of a maximum score of 10. It is a mortgage lender which is federally licensed and claims that its objective is to enable market access to local real estate investor funding. The act of giving market access includes services like financing and renovation guidance for project and property analysis. The company claims that it always exercises a teamwork strategy when dealing with investors in order to ensure flawless transactions.