Cast Capital Funding
Cast Capital Funding
Based in New York in the US, Cast Capital is a commercial funder that deals with medium-sized and small sized businesses. With them, credit and cash flow are not criteria for financial service. BBB had rated this company an A+. Partnerships from solicitations are discouraged by the company for the most part. If at all these are accepted from brokers or ISO, it would be by invitation only. On Trustpilot, the company is ranked 37 out of 340 non-bank finances, and its Trustcore is 9.6 out of 10.
The programs which they provide are term loans, lines of credit, invoice factoring, equipment financing, reverse consolidation, contract financing, and SBA loans. Deposit health and creditworthiness are the main factors which the company considers when processing a term loan application. The time of repayment for such loans ranges from 3 to 36 months, at an interest rate of 11%. Reverse consolidation with the help of this the company generally allows the client to save 60% of their daily cash flow. The weekly interest rate on line of credit services ranges from 0.5% to 1%. Moreover, a credit score above 650 is required for attaining a line of credit. No prepayment penalty is imposed by the company upon the service of the line of credit.