Broulette Capital Group, LLC
Broulette Capital Group, LLC
Broulette Capital Group, LLC is a company that comes under the category of financial services. It has its headquarters in Burlington in the state of New Jersey, and an employee count between 2 and 10. It is technically a firm which was founded in the year 2018. Broulette Capital Group, LLC has a Trustpilot ranking of 228 out of the 366 listed on their website in the category of non-bank finance, and a TrustScore rating of 8.3 out of a maximum of 10.
The founders of this company are Mike Lettera and Dan Brusha, who had been together in the automobile business for several years. Later on, they decided to put their underwriting and financial experience to use by giving birth to BCG. The company states an aim to aid businesses to overcome their daily, weekly, and monthly cash flow worries, and claims that its funding process takes only a few minutes to complete. They also state that their application process does not involve any charges or fees. Furthermore, they claim applications are accepted as quickly as in 3 hours. They offer assistance only to businesses with at least a 3-month presence in business.