Best Egg Personal Loans
Best Egg Personal Loans
Best Egg Personal Loans offer personal loans to borrowers who have good credit. The purposes fulfilled by this range of financing options include home improvement, debt consolidation, or other expenses. The minimum credit score you need is 640, although customers of the company usually have an average of 700. Best Egg’s borrowers fall around the $80,000 range in terms of annual income. The company transfers the amount borrowed directly to your bank account, with loan amounts usually ranging from $2,000 to $35,000. The annual percentage rate (APR) they charge can be from 5.99% to 29.99%, and there is an origination fee of 0.99%–5.99%. Aside from that, they charge a late fee of $15, and a return fee of $15 if payments fail to get processed.
They claim to offer financial assistance within a day. The repayment period stretches 3 to 5 years, and they offer a soft credit check to its customers. The average minimum credit history is 7 years long. According to the company, more than 450,000 customers have received combined financial assistance of over $6.5 billion since 2014. Borrowers use the funds to fulfill their larger expenses, and also to consolidate their credit card debt, which is found to be worth $15,000 on an average.